Scholarship Eligibility & Information
The applications and all accompanying documentation should be submitted online. The link to the online application is below.
Please ensure the following:
- That the Application is submitted by the due date to be eligible for that year.
- That all sections of the Application are completed, your name is spelled correctly, and the information is legible.
- That your references, transcript, and photographs are included with the Application.
Please note that by completing the Application form you are providing us with your consent to publish your photograph and information to the public.

Application Requirements
- A completed Application form must be submitted by the deadline of July 15th, with a high-resolution (minimum passport size) photograph of the applicant.
- High School transcripts may be forwarded to the committee by July 15th, if the completed application form has already been submitted.
- The names and contact information of two (2) references as outlined in the Application form. One may be a teacher from your school, college, or university. The other must be from an individual (other than your teacher or family member) who is familiar with you and can attest to your community service.
- Proof of acceptance or confirmation of enrollment from the institution you plan to attend.
- Up to date official transcript from the institution you are currently attending, or last attended.
- A one-page essay explaining why the scholarship should be awarded to you.
Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for the scholarships are as follows:
- Must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada. Supporting documentation may be requested.
- Must be of Caribbean heritage (self, parent or grandparent) from any CARICOM nation.
Residency in the Region of Waterloo
- a. Must reside in the Region of Waterloo
- b. Or have attended at least 1 year at an accredited College, University, or Post- Secondary Institution in the Region of Waterloo.
- Must be studying or accepted for study towards a diploma, degree, or certificate in any field at any accredited College, University, or Post-Secondary Institution.
For our undergraduate awards (open to high school or undergraduate students):
- a. Applicants must be 17 to 25 years of age as of the end of September of the year the scholarship is granted.
- b. May be either a graduating (or graduated) high school student, or a student currently enrolled in University, College, or an accredited post-secondary institution.
- c. High school student applicants must have graduated or be scheduled to graduate from an accredited high school (public or private) before submitting their application.
For postgraduate awards (open to final year undergraduate students):
- a. Applicants must be 21 to 30 years of age as of the end of September of the year the scholarship is granted.
- b. Undergraduate student applicants must have graduated or in the final year of University, College, or an accredited post-secondary institution.
- Good academic standing.
Selection Criteria
Applications received are reviewed, vetted and potential applicants are selected by a volunteer committee.
The criteria for selection takes into account the goals and ideals of the CCAWR which are to:
- Recognize outstanding achievements and efforts in community involvement, academics, culture, sports, and arts);
- Foster high professional standards;
- Recognize the development of exemplary leadership qualities; and
- Encourage active participation of the scholarship recipients and their families in CCAWR events.
A Scholarship may be granted to an individual who may not have exceptional academic achievements but has demonstrated outstanding proficiency in some other field, including, the Arts or Industrial disciplines.
Scholarship Cycle
April 1st – July 15th
Acceptance of Applications
July 15th
Application Deadline for Students
July 30th
Review and Decision of Scholarship Committee
August 15th
Award Recipients Notified
September (End)
Awards Ceremony & Presentation
September 30th
Scholarship Cheques Mailed to Institutions
Scholarship Payments
Scholarship Award payments will be made directly to the educational institution the student will be attending. They are usually made to the educational institution at the end of September or early October of the year of award.
For students that have received awards but choose to defer their acceptance for 1 year arrangements can be made to defer the award payment for 1 year only.